Tips and Tricks
Tips and tricks
Default Credential
S/P | username | password |
Jenkins | admin | admin |
AWS EC2 | ec2-user | N/A (use SSH key) |
AWS RDS | N/A (use IAM credentials) | N/A (use IAM credentials) |
AWS S3 | N/A (use IAM credentials) | N/A (use IAM credentials) |
Azure VM | azureuser | N/A (use SSH key) |
Azure SQL Database | N/A (use Azure AD authentication or SQL Server authentication) | N/A (use Azure AD authentication or SQL Server authentication) |
Google Compute Engine | N/A (use project-level SSH key) | N/A (use project-level SSH key) |
Google Cloud SQL | N/A (use Cloud SQL Proxy or SSL/TLS certificate) | N/A (use Cloud SQL Proxy or SSL/TLS certificate) |
Docker | root | N/A |
Kubernetes | N/A | N/A (use Kubernetes authentication mechanisms) |
OpenStack | ubuntu | ubuntu |
VMware ESXi | root | N/A |
Cisco IOS | cisco | cisco |
Juniper Junos | root | juniper123 |
shodan | censys | securitytrails | greynoise | binaryedge | zoomeye | Netlas | fofa | huntr | leakix | |||||||||||
Nginx | “nginx” http.component:nginx | “nginx” AND tags:web AND tags:https | http.html_body.server:nginx | | http.servers:nginx | app:”nginx” | http.server:nginx | title=”nginx” || header=”nginx” | http.servers=”nginx” | server:nginx |
Apache | “apache” http.component:apache | “apache” AND tags:web AND tags:https | http.html_body.server:apache | | http.servers:apache | app:”apache” | http.server:apache | title=”apache” || header=”apache” | http.servers=”apache” | server:apache |
Phpmyadmin | Server: phpmyadmin |
org asn | asn:ASXXXXXXX org: | asn:ASXXXXXXX AND tags: | include:asn:ASXXXXXXX AND type:organization | asn:ASXXXXXXX organization: | asn:ASXXXXXXX organization: | asn:ASXXXXXXX org: | asn:ASXXXXXXX org: | header=”ASXXXXXXX” && title=” " | asn:ASXXXXXXX organization: | asn:ASXXXXXXX org: |
elasticsearch | product:elasticsearch | elasticsearch.protocol:tcp | os:elasticsearch | port:9200 | elasticsearch | app:”Elasticsearch” port:”9200” | product:”Elasticsearch” | title=”Elasticsearch” || body=”Elasticsearch” || header=”Elasticsearch” | product:”elasticsearch” | title:”kibana” && title:”elastic” |
Minio | http.html:” “ | (443.https.tls.certificate.parsed.extensions.subject_alt_name.dns_names: minio.*) | ssl.cert_subject_alt_name: minio | metadata.product: “MinIO” | “http.component:Minio” OR “http.title:Minio” | title:Minio | http.title:”Minio” | title=”MinIO” || header=”Minio” || header=”X-Amz-Bucket-Region” | intitle:”MinIO” | intitle:”MinIO” |
kuberneties | “kubernetes port:6443” | “443.https.get.body: “kubernetes”” | “kubernetes.*” | “tags:kubernetes” | “title:”kubernetes-dashboard”” | “app:”kubernetes-dashboard”” | “app:”kubernetes-dashboard”” | “title=”Kubernetes Dashboard” || header=”kubernetes”” | “title:”kubernetes dashboard”” | “title:”Kubernetes Dashboard”” |
mssql | product:”Microsoft SQL Server” | 443.https.get.body:”microsoft sql server” OR 1433.banner:”microsoft sql server” | http.html_content:”Microsoft SQL Server” OR http.html_content:”MSSQLSERVER” | tags:”mssql” OR tags:”microsoft sql server” | product:”Microsoft SQL Server” | app:”Microsoft SQL Server” | title:”Microsoft SQL Server” OR body:”Microsoft SQL Server” OR body:”MSSQLSERVER” | title=”Microsoft SQL Server” || header=”Microsoft SQL Server” | title:”Microsoft SQL Server” OR body:”Microsoft SQL Server” | server:Microsoft-IIS/8.5 intitle:”sql server login” |
rdp | “rdp” OR “port:3389” | 3389.rdp.banner:”\x03\x00\x00\x0b\xe0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00” | “rdp” AND port:3389 | “tags.rdp” OR “tags.mstsc” | “rdp” AND port:3389 | “rdp” OR “port:3389” | “rdp” OR “port:3389” | “protocol=rdp” OR “port=3389” | “rdp” OR “port:3389” | “rdp” OR “port:3389” |
ftp | “ftp” | “service.ftp.banner” | “service:ftp” | “protocol:ftp” | “ftp” | “ftp” | “ftp” | “protocol==ftp” | “ftp” | “ftp” |
ssh | port:22 ssh | 22.ssh.banner.raw_version: SSH | 22 || ssh | /ssh/ && port:22 | ssh port:22 | port:22 ssh | port:22 AND service.ssh==true | protocol=ssh | 22.ssh.banner.raw_version:SSH | service.ssh == true |
dns | hostname:{DNS name} | parsed.names: {DNS name} | domain:{DNS name} | metadata.dns: {DNS name} |{DNS name} | site:{DNS name} | {DNS name} | domain={DNS name} | domain:{DNS name} | data.hostnames: {DNS name} |
modbus | port:502 modbus | modbus | port:502 | modbus | port:502 | port:502 modbus | port:502 modbus | protocol=modbus | port:502 | port:502 modbus |
rtsp | port:554 rtsp | protocols: rtsp | port:554 | protocols:rtsp | port:554 rtsp | port:554 rtsp | protocol:rtsp | protocol=rtsp | protocol:rtsp | port:554 |
SMTP | smtp | protocols:smtp | smtp | port:25 | port:25 | service:smtp | service:smtp | protocol==smtp | smtp | port.tcp eq 25 |
SMB | smb | “SMB” | tags.smb = true | metadata.protocol = smb | protocols:”smb” | app:”SMB/CIFS” | service:”smb” | protocol=”smb” | tags:”smb” | protocol:smb |
NFS | port:2049 nfs | protocols:”nfs” | port:2049 AND service:nfs | tag:nfs | port:2049 nfs | app:”nfsd” | nfs | title=”NFS” || body=”NFS” || header=”NFS” || keyword=”NFS” | port:2049 AND service:nfs | port:2049 nfs |
Docker registries | http.title:”Docker Registry”” OR “http.html:”Docker Registry”” OR “http.component:”docker”” OR “http.component:”registry” | 443.https.get.metadata.protocol: Docker | http.headers.server: docker-registry” OR “http.html: docker-registry” OR “http.title: docker-registry | http.metadata.product: Docker Registry | http.component:docker-registry | title:”Docker Registry”” OR “body:”Docker Registry” | product:”Docker Registry” | title=”Docker Registry”” OR “header=”docker-registry”” OR “body=”docker-registry” | docker-registry | http.component:”docker-registry” |
memcached | port:11211 memcached | protocols: “memcached” | type:server “memcached” port:11211 | service:memcached | port:11211 && memcached | port:”11211” memcached | port:11211 && memcached | title=”Memcached” && protocol=”port:11211” | port: 11211 AND tags: memcached | protocols:”memcached” port:”11211” |
RabbitMQ | product:rabbitmq | 443.https.get.body:/{“product”:”RabbitMQ”,”version”:” | http.html: /management/rabbitmq/ | port:5672 (RabbitMQ) AND tags:RabbitMQ | title:”RabbitMQ Management” | app:”RabbitMQ Management” | port:5672 AND product:rabbitmq | title=”RabbitMQ Management” || body=”RabbitMQ” || header=”RabbitMQ” | port:5672 AND | product:rabbitmq |
WinRM | product:winrm | protocols:winrm | os:windows winrm | winrm | winrm | port:5985 winrm | service:WinRM | protocol==winrm | winrm | winrm |
CouchDB | couchdb port:5984 | protocols: “couchdb” and port: 5984 | http.component: “couchdb” and port: 5984 | http.server: “CouchDB” and port: 5984 | protocols:couchdb and port:5984 | app:”CouchDB” and port:5984 | port:5984 and app:couchdb | title=”couchdb” && port=5984 | couchdb inurl:5984 | app:couchdb && port:5984 |
PostgreSQL | port:5432 postgres | 443.versions.protocol: “PostgreSQL” or 5432.versions.protocol: “PostgreSQL” | pgsql-server | port:5432 | service:”postgresql” | port:”5432” | title:”pgAdmin” OR title:”PostgreSQL” OR title:”pgAdmin 4” OR title:”pgAdmin 3” | title=”Adminer” || body=”pgsql” || body=”PostgreSQL” | title:”postgresql” OR body:”postgresql” | pgsql-server |
Gitlab | http.favicon.hash:-335242539 “gitlab” | 443.https.get.metadata.server: GitLab | http.headers.server:”gitlab” | metadata.service:gitlab | title:”GitLab” && protocols:”https” | title:”GitLab” | http.favicon.hash:-335242539 “gitlab” | title=”GitLab” | title=”GitLab” | title=”GitLab” |
SVN | Server: Apache SVN | tags: svn | svn | /svn/index.cgi | title:”viewvc” svn | port: 3690 svn | os:svn | title=”ViewVC” || title=”SVN repository browser” || title=”VisualSVN Server” || body=”Powered by Subversion version” | svn | svn |
Tomcat | tomcat country:XX | protocols: “http” and “product:Apache Tomcat” |”Apache Tomcat” | metadata.product:tomcat | http.server.product:”Apache Tomcat” | app:”Tomcat” | product:Tomcat | title=”Apache Tomcat” || body=”Apache Tomcat” | http.favicon.hash: -1448465410 && http.html: “Apache Tomcat” | os.query:”Apache Tomcat” |
VNC | “vnc” port:5900 | port: “5900” AND “VNC protocol” | “vnc” AND port:5900 | “vnc” -port:5900 | protocol:”vnc” AND port:5900 | port:5900 AND app:”RealVNC” | service:”vnc” port:”5900” | port=”5900” && protocol=”vnc” | vnc AND port:5900 | “vnc” port:5900 |
LDAP | “ldap” port:389 or port:636 | tags: ldap | service:ldap | tag:ldap | service:”LDAP (389/tcp)” or service:”LDAP SSL (636/tcp)” | app:”openLDAP” or app:”ActiveDirectory” | service.ldap.banner:”ldap” | protocol==LDAP | service:ldap | port:389 or port:636 |
NetBIOS | port:”137” org:”" or netbios_name:"" | protocols: “netbios-ssn” or “" | netbios_host: or netbios_host: | netbios | netbios.domain: “" or | or netbios.ip: | | protocol=”NetBIOS” && cert=”” | netbios | netbios |
TeamViewer | product:teamviewer | 443.versions.banner:TeamViewer | os:’Windows 7’ && port:5938 && app:’TeamViewer’ | metadata.teamviewer.enabled:true | product:’TeamViewer’ && type:’host’ | app:teamviewer | teamviewer | title=”TeamViewer” || header=”TeamViewer” | service:”TeamViewer” | port.tcp eq 5938 and port.tcp eq 443 and product eq ‘TeamViewer’ |
NoMachine | “nomachine” port:4000, “nomachine” port:4010, “nomachine” port:4011, “nomachine” port:4022 | “nomachine” and port:4000 or port:4010 or port:4011 or port:4022 | service:”nomachine” and (port:4000 or port:4010 or port:4011 or port:4022) | “nomachine” port:4000 or port:4010 or port:4011 or port:4022 | service:nomachine and (port:4000 or port:4010 or port:4011 or port:4022) | app:”NoMachine” port:4000 or port:4010 or port:4011 or port:4022 | service:”nomachine” and (port:”4000” or port:”4010” or port:”4011” or port:”4022”) | title=”NoMachine” && (port=4000 || port=4010 || port=4011 || port=4022) | nomachine AND (port:4000 OR port:4010 OR port:4011 OR port:4022) | tags.nomachine AND (ports:4000 OR ports:4010 OR ports:4011 OR ports:4022) |
vCenter | “vCenter” port:443 | 443.https.get.metadata.product:VMware-vCenter-Server | http.title:”vCenter Server” | tags:”vmware-vcenter” | title:”vSphere Client” | app:”VMware vSphere” | http.html_contains:”vmware-vsphere-client” | title=”VMware vCenter Server” || body=”vCenter Server” || header=”vCenter Server” | | product:”VMware vCenter Server” |
ESXi | product:ESXi | os: vmware_esxi | os:’VMware ESXi’ | tag:VMware-ESXi | os:’VMware ESXi’ | webapp:VMware ESXi | os:VMware ESXi | title=’VMware ESXi’ | ESXi | product:’VMware ESXi’ |
directory listings | “Server: -frontier -akamai -edgecast -fastly -incapsula -nginx -squarespace -cdn -amazonaws -cloudfront -gstatic -github” | “protocols: http and 200.status_code:/2[0-9][0-9]/ and body: “Index of /” and not (body: “HTTP/1.1 301” or body: “HTTP/1.1 302” or body: “HTTP/1.1 303” or body: “HTTP/1.1 307” or body: “HTTP/1.1 308”)” | http.title:/index of/i | metadata.product:apache && metadata.title:/index of/i | http.html.body:/Index of/i && http.status.code:200 | web.title:/index of/i | http.title:/index of/i | title=”Index of /” && protocol=”http” && status_code=”200” | http.body:/index of/i && http.status_code:200 | title:”Index of /” && protocol:http |
SOCKS | “socks” port:1080 | “socks” AND port:1080 | port:1080 AND protocol:socks5 | “socks” AND port:1080 | “SOCKS5” AND port:1080 | “SOCKS5” && port:”1080” | “SOCKS” port:”1080” | “SOCKS5” && port=”1080” | “SOCKS5” port:1080 | protocol:SOCKS5 port:1080 |
V2Ray | v2ray | tags.v2ray | v2ray | v2ray | v2ray | v2ray | v2ray | protocol==”v2ray” | v2ray | v2ray |
Squid | http.component: squid | 80.http.get.headers.server: squid | HTTP.headers.server: squid | http.server_header: squid | http.component: squid | app:Squid | http.component.product: squid | title=”Squid Cache” && protocol=”http” && port=3128 | Squid proxy server” OR “Squid proxy cache | intext:”Squid Object Cache” |
PRTG | product:prtg port:80” or “product:prtg port:443 | 443.https.get.body: ‘PRTG Network Monitor’” or “80.http.get.body: ‘PRTG Network Monitor’ | text:’PRTG Network Monitor’ AND port:80” or “text:’PRTG Network Monitor’ AND port:443 | http.user_agent: ‘PRTG’ OR http.title: ‘PRTG’ | product:PRTG” or “body:PRTG Network Monitor | app:PRTG Network Monitor” or “header.server:PRTG Network Monitor | “prtg” or “prtg network monitor” | “title=”prtg” || body=”prtg”” or “protocol=”http” && body=”prtg”” | “prtg” or “prtg network monitor” | “product:PRTG” or “PRTG Network Monitor” |
WebDAV | Server: Microsoft-IIS/7.5 intitle: “WebDAV” OR “WebDAV MiniRedir” | 80.http.get.headers.server: Microsoft-IIS/7.5 && title:”WebDAV MiniRedir” | http.headers.server:/Microsoft-IIS/7.5/ && title:”WebDAV MiniRedir” | 80.http.get.headers.server: Microsoft-IIS/7.5 && title:”WebDAV MiniRedir” | http.server: Microsoft-IIS/7.5 && html.title: “WebDAV MiniRedir” | server:Microsoft-IIS/7.5 && title:”WebDAV MiniRedir” | http.server: Microsoft-IIS/7.5 && http.title: “WebDAV MiniRedir” | “title=”WebDAV” && header=”Microsoft-IIS/7.5” | http.title:”WebDAV” && http.headers.server:”Microsoft-IIS/7.5” | http.title: “WebDAV” && http.headers.server: “Microsoft-IIS/7.5” |
IIS | “Server: Microsoft-IIS” OR “Server: Microsoft-HTTPAPI” | “443.https.get.title: IIS” OR “80.http.get.title: IIS” | “http.headers.server: Microsoft-IIS” OR “http.headers.server: Microsoft-HTTPAPI” | “http.server: Microsoft-IIS” OR “http.server: Microsoft-HTTPAPI” | “server: Microsoft-IIS” OR “server: Microsoft-HTTPAPI” | “webapp=”IIS”” OR “webserver=”IIS”” | “http.favicon.hash:-1137975641 AND http.server:”Microsoft-IIS”” OR “http.favicon.hash:-1137975641 AND http.server:”Microsoft-HTTPAPI”” | “protocol==http && header==”Server: Microsoft-IIS”” OR “protocol==http && header==”Server: Microsoft-HTTPAPI”” | “iis” OR “microsoft-iis” | “ Microsoft-IIS” OR “ Microsoft-HTTPAPI” |
Redis | port:6379 product:redis | ports: “6379” AND tags.raw: “redis” | (“redis” AND port:6379) | redis.server | protocols:”redis” -os:”Windows” | redis port:6379 | service:redis port:6379 | title=”Redis” && protocol=”redis” | port:”6379” AND protocol:”redis” | port:6379 AND Redis |
Cisco Smart Install | Server: Cisco-SMI | 443.issmartinstall:true | fingerprint: “Device Type: Cisco Smart Install Client” | /cgi-bin/discovery/ | title:Cisco Smart Install - Configuration Assistant | product:Cisco Smart Install | title:Cisco Smart Install | header=’X-Remote-Addr’ && title=’Cisco Smart Install’ | http.favicon.hash:-1300641209 && http.title:’Cisco Smart Install’ | product:Cisco Smart Install |
InfluxDB | “InfluxDB” port:8086 | (open_influxdb.port: 8086) | http.title:”InfluxDB Admin” | “influxdb” -service.version:1.8 | http.component:influxdb | title:”InfluxDB” port:8086 | port:8086 service:InfluxDB | title=”InfluxDB” || body=”InfluxDB” | type:service InfluxDB | server:”InfluxDB” |
Cassandra | “cassandra” port:9042 | “cassandra” AND port:9042 | port:9042 AND “cassandra” | “cassandra” AND tags:{“cassandra”} | “cassandra” AND port:”9042” | “cassandra” port:”9042” | “cassandra” port:9042 | title=”cassandra” && port=9042 | “cassandra” AND port:”9042” | “cassandra” AND port:”9042” |
GlusterFS | “GlusterFS” | 443.versions = “GlusterFS” | GlusterFS | http.favicon.hash:-434599080 “gluster” | service.glusterfs.banner: “GlusterFS” | app:”GlusterFS” | http.favicon.hash:-434599080 “gluster” | title=”Gluster Management Console” || body=”GlusterFS” || header=”Gluster” | title:”GlusterFS Management Console” | service:/glusterfs/ |
Hadoop | “hadoop” port:”50070” or “hadoop” port:”8088” | product:Hadoop | “os:Linux” “hadoop” | “50070” || “8088” && “hadoop” | “hadoop” in_service:”50070, 8088” | “hadoop” port:”50070” or “hadoop” port:”8088” | | title=”Hadoop NameNode”” or “title=”Hadoop Resource Manager” | title:”hadoop cluster overview” | hadoop |
Fortigate | http.favicon.hash:728337045 && title:”Fortinet - Login” | 443.https.get.title:”Fortinet” | http.html:”Fortinet” | port:443 http.html:”FortiGate” | title:”Fortinet FortiGate” | title:”Fortinet FortiGate Login” | http.title:”FortiGate” | title=”Fortinet FortiGate Login” || header=”Fortinet” || body=”Fortinet” | fortigate |
JDWP | jdwp country:”" port:"8000" | 443.jdwp | (“java.debugwire”) | jdwp | jdwp | app:”JDWP-Debug-Interface” | port=8000 protocol=TCP service=JDWP | title=”Apache Tomcat” | jdwp |
IPsec | “ikev2.probe(500)” or “ikev2.probe(4500)” or “ipsec.probe()” | “protocols: ‘ikev2’ or protocols: ‘ipsec’” | “ikev2” or “ipsec” | “port:500 or port:4500 or port: 1701 and tags:ipsec” | “protocols:ikev2 or protocols:ipsec” | “ipsec” or “ikev2” | “ikev2” or “ipsec” | “title=”Fortinet Firewall Login” && body=”/remote/login” && body=”/tmui/login.jsp/” && body=”/remote/login?lang=en” && body=”/remote/login?lang=en_US” && body=”/remote/login?lang=es” && body=”/remote/login?lang=es_US”” | “”IPSec”” or “”IKEv2”” | “protocol:ipsec” or “protocol:ikev2” |
Splunkd | product:splunkd | 443.https.get.metadata.product: Splunkd | http.html: /en-US/splunkd/ | metadata.splunkd.server != null | product: Splunkd | app:Splunk | Splunkd | title=”Splunk” && header=”Splunkd” | title:splunkd | splunkd |
Android Debug Bridge | “Android Debug Bridge” port:5555 | 80.http.get.headers.server:”Android Debug Bridge” | server:adb | metadata.service == “adb” | service:”android debug bridge (adb)” | app:”Android Debug Bridge” | http.component:”Android Debug Bridge” | app=”Android Debug Bridge” || header=”Android Debug Bridge” | http.headers.server:”Android Debug Bridge” | http.server.version:”Android Debug Bridge” |
OpenCTI | http.favicon.hash:-1693683099 | 443.https.tls.certificate.parsed.extensions.authority_key_id:0a11b3211d2e25545ed61a568a78545c | app=nginx port:443 | 80.http.get.body.sha256:8f2c29dbae3b1cbbe10d59d8ed144c5999329fa974aa06f529ee550dc6341e2c | http.component:nginx | title:’OpenCTI’ | ssl://title:OpenCTI | title=”OpenCTI” || header=”X-Opencti-Path” || header=”X-Opencti-User” | Server: nginx intitle:”OpenCTI” | title:”OpenCTI” |
Wazuh | wazuh auth_token” or “title:Wazuh | 443.https.get.body_sha256:XV8WbTtTSPBOnQ2R26dA9XFeOXXz0vVdNllZlf0u0LQ | generic.server:Wazuh | metadata.product:wazuh | wazuh | title:Wazuh | Wazuh | app=”Wazuh” | wazuh | app:wazuh |
Vault | “Vault Server” port:8200 | 443.https.tls.certificate.parsed.extensions.subject_alt_name: .vault | ssl.cert_subject_alt_name: .vault | http.html_hash:3896359815 | html:” “ | title:”Vault” | title:”Vault” | title=”Vault” && port=8200 | title:”Vault” | “vault” port:8200 |
Rocket.Chat | product:”Rocket.Chat” | | http.html_body:”Rocket.Chat” | http.user_agent:”Rocket.Chat” | http.favicon.hash:-1788329738 | title:”Rocket.Chat” | title:”Rocket.Chat” | title=”Rocket.Chat” | title:”Rocket.Chat” | http.title:”Rocket.Chat” |
Mattermost | http.favicon.hash:1565243809 | 443.https.tls.certificate.parsed.extensions.subject_alt_name.dns_names:mattermost.* | https.cert.subject.common_name:mattermost.* | metadata.product: mattermost | protocols:https && service.metas.product:mattermost | app:”Mattermost” | http.url.path:/api/v4/users | title=”Mattermost” || header=”mattermost” | body:”content”:”Mattermost” | |
Gitter | title:”gitter” http.component:”gitter” | 443.https.tls.certificate.parsed.names: “” | “” | http.user_agent:”Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Gitter)” or http.user_agent:”com.gitter” | http.component:Gitter or | title:”Gitter” or header:”X-Powered-By: Gitter” | | title=”Gitter” || domain=”” | title:”Gitter” | |
Confluence | title:”Dashboard - Confluence” http.favicon.hash:-335242539 “X-ASEN” -gitlab | 443.https.tls.certificate.parsed.subject.common_name:”*” and 443.https.tls.certificate.parsed.subject.organization:Atlassian | http.html: /loginpage.action/i and http.html: /forgotlogin/ | http.server:Apache-Coyote/1.1 http.title:Confluence | title:”Dashboard - Confluence” and protocols:https | app:”Confluence-Atlassian” | http.favicon.hash:-335242539 title:”Dashboard - Confluence” | title=”Dashboard - Confluence” | title:”Log in - Confluence” | title:”Log in - Confluence” |
Jira | “Jira” port: 80, 443, 8080, 8443 | “Jira” AND protocols: (“80/http” OR “443/https” OR “8080/http-proxy” OR “8443/https-alt”) | “jira” OR “atlassian” OR “” OR “” | metadata.product:jira | title:”JIRA - Login” OR body:”powered by Atlassian JIRA” | app:”Jira” | “jira” AND protocols: (“http” OR “https”) | title=”Jira - Login” || header=”atlassian” || domain=”” || domain=”” | “jira” OR “atlassian” | product:”jira” OR app:”jira” |
Element Matrix | product:”Element Matrix Server” | 443.https.get.title:”Element Matrix Services” | http.html_title:”Element Matrix Services” | http.html_title:”Element Matrix Services” | title:”Element Matrix Services” | app:”Element Matrix Services” | app:”Element Matrix Services” | title=”Element Matrix Services” | title:”Element Matrix Services” | title:”Element Matrix Services” |
SonarQube | product:”SonarQube” port:”9000” | 443.https.get.title:”SonarQube” | http.title:”SonarQube” | http.html_title:”SonarQube” | http.title:”SonarQube” | title:”SonarQube” | title:”SonarQube” | title=”SonarQube” | SonarQube | intext:”sonarqube” AND intext:”rights reserved” |
Portainer | port:9000 portainer | 443.https.get.headers.server: portainer | http.html: “Portainer” && http.url: “/api/status” | http.request.method: GET && http.request.uri.path: /api/status && http.response.body: Portainer | http.component:portainer && http.component_category: application | app:”Portainer” && port:”9000” | port:9000 AND service:portainer | title=”Portainer” && header=”Powered by Portainer” && protocol=”https” | title:”Portainer” | title:”Portainer” |
Terraform | product:terraform | terraform | terraform | product:terraform | product:terraform | app:terraform | product:terraform | title=”Terraform Enterprise” || header=”Terraform-Backend” | terraform | terraform |
DefectDojo | product:DefectDojo | 443.https.get.body_sha256:53cfb82d5b321381f08a4a32d3b4e4b82fb8a79c0b54d3e0f9431b3737ebea88 | http.html_hash:53cfb82d5b321381f08a4a32d3b4e4b82fb8a79c0b54d3e0f9431b3737ebea88 | metadata.product:DefectDojo | http.html.hash.sha256:53cfb82d5b321381f08a4a32d3b4e4b82fb8a79c0b54d3e0f9431b3737ebea88 | title:”DefectDojo” || body:”DefectDojo” |”DefectDojo” | title=”DefectDojo” | http.html_hash:53cfb82d5b321381f08a4a32d3b4e4b82fb8a79c0b54d3e0f9431b3737ebea88 | http.html_hash:53cfb82d5b321381f08a4a32d3b4e4b82fb8a79c0b54d3e0f9431b3737ebea88 |
Zabbix | zabbix | product:zabbix | zabbix | zabbix | zabbix | zabbix | zabbix | title=”Zabbix” || body=”Zabbix” | Zabbix | Zabbix |
Sentry | Server: Sentry | 443.https.get.body_sha256: contains c0b207c6b18d6a12a6d740f328d137a23972915f6c3e3e3a6f79d125d9ba9522 | app: Sentry | http.user_agent: sentry* | http.favicon.hash: 1103164611 | app:Sentry | title:Sentry | title=sentry | process_name:sentry* | product:Sentry |
Grafana | grafana | 443.https.get.title:grafana | https.html_title:”Grafana” | http.useragent:”Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/58.0.3029.110 Safari/537.36” http.html_title:”Grafana” | port:3000 title:”Grafana” | app:grafana | http.title:grafana | title=”Grafana” || header=”grafana” || body=”grafana” | https://grafana.* | grafana |
Nagios | “Nagios/HTTP” or “Nagios Core” or “Nagios XI” | “nagios” or “http.favicon.hash:-1301254336” and “http.title:Nagios Core” | “nagios” or “http.html_hash:1875409680” | Nagios | title:”Nagios Core” | app:Nagios | http.html: “Nagios Core” | title=”Nagios Core” || body=”Nagios Core”” or “title=”Nagios XI” || body=”Nagios XI” | Nagios | Nagios |
Nextcloud | nextcloud | 443.https.get.body_sha256:65db03f60e82d7c34a6b9455948f975931c90476e90e408d20f2af2db4699f25 | nextcloud | http.html_body:nextcloud | product:”Nextcloud” | title:”Nextcloud” | http.favicon.hash:-575579963 | title=”Nextcloud” || header=”Nextcloud” || html=”Nextcloud” | nextcloud | https://$DOMAIN/ocs/v2.php/apps/notifications/api/v1/notifications |
ZooKeeper | zookeeper | 443.ports and product:zookeeper | zookeeper | tags: zookeeper | protocols: ‘zookeeper’ | app:ZooKeeper | service:’zookeeper’ | app=”ZooKeeper” | title:”ZooKeeper” | product:zookeeper |
Microsoft Exchange | “microsoft exchange” port:25 | 80.http.get.title:exchange | “microsoft exchange” in:hostname | service:smtp app:”Microsoft Exchange” | “microsoft exchange” port:25 | “Microsoft Exchange Server” port:”25” | “Microsoft Exchange” port:25 | title=”Outlook Web App” | “microsoft exchange” port:25 | app:”Microsoft Exchange” port:”25” |
Skype for Business | “skype for business” port:5061 | “skype for business” AND port:5061 |”skype” AND”tls” AND service.port:5061 | “skype for business” | Microsoft Skype for Business Server 2015” OR “Microsoft Skype for Business Server 2019 | app:”skype for business | skype for business” AND port:5061 | title=”Skype for Business” | skype for business | skype for business |
Microsoft Teams | product:Microsoft Teams | 443.https.get.metadata.server: Microsoft-IIS/10.0 AND 443.https.tls.certificate.parsed.subject.organization:Microsoft Corporation AND 443.https.tls.certificate.parsed.subject.organizational_unit:Microsoft Teams | dns.nameservers:* | http.user_agent:teams AND tags.service:Teams | protocols:’microsoft-teams’ | app:’Microsoft Teams’ | microsoft teams | title=”Microsoft Teams” || body=”Microsoft Teams” | Microsoft Teams | Microsoft Teams |
Celery | “celery” http.component:”celery” | celery | celery | celery | celery | celery | celery | “title=c”elery” || body=c”elery”” | celery | celery |
RabbitMQ | product:rabbitmq | 443.https.get.body:”RabbitMQ” or 8883.tls.tls.certificate.parsed.extensions.authority_key_identifier.0.key_identifier:”RabbitMQ Server” | ssl_certificate.subject.common_name:rabbitmq* | metadata.product:rabbitmq | protocols:”amqp” && product:”RabbitMQ” | app:”RabbitMQ Management” | title:”RabbitMQ Management” | title=”RabbitMQ Management” || body=”RabbitMQ” || header=”RabbitMQ” | title:”RabbitMQ Management” | http.component:RabbitMQ |
Kafka |” http.component:”http” -“303” | metadata.protocol: “Kafka” | http.title:”kafka” OR http.title:”Apache Kafka” OR http.body:”kafka” OR http.body:”Apache Kafka” | “” http.component:”http” -“303” | “kafka” OR “Apache Kafka” | “Kafka” OR “Apache Kafka” |” http.component:”http” -“303” | title=”Kafka” OR header=”Apache Kafka” |” http.component:”http” -“303” |” http.component:”http” -“303” |
OpenStack | openstack | openstack | openstack | openstack | openstack | openstack | openstack | openstack | openstack | app=”openstack” |
SaltStack | Server: SaltStack | product:SaltStack | http.favicon.hash:-1102536065 AND http.html_hash:1540850741 | os:saltstack | title:”SaltStack Enterprise” | SaltStack | SaltStack | title=”SaltStack” || body=”SaltStack” || header=”SaltStack” | saltstack | title:saltstack |
OpenShift | Server: openshift | openshift | openshift | service.openshift | title:”openshift web console login” | app:openshift | openshift | title=”OpenShift Web Console” || body=”Powered by OpenShift” | openshift | openshift |
Ceph | “ceph” port:6789 | (443.ceph.cluster_name:) OR (7480.ceph.cluster_name:) OR (80.ceph.cluster_name:*) | “Ceph” OR “Ceph dashboard” | “Ceph MON” OR “Ceph OSD” OR “Ceph RadosGW” | “ceph” AND open_ports:6789 | “ceph” port:”6789” | “Ceph” OR “Ceph dashboard” | “title=”Ceph” || body=”Ceph” || h1=”Ceph”” | “title:Ceph” OR “intext:Ceph” OR “h1:Ceph” | ceph |
Swagger | title:”swagger ui” or title:”swagger” http.favicon.hash:-1840653542 |”swagger-ui” or”swagger” | http.title:”swagger ui” or http.title:”swagger” | metadata.service_name:”swagger-ui” or metadata.service_name:”swagger” | title:”swagger ui” or title:”swagger” | title:”swagger ui” or title:”swagger” | title:”swagger ui” or title:”swagger” | title=”Swagger” || title=”Swagger UI” | body:”swagger-ui” or body:”swagger” | title:”swagger ui” or title:”swagger” |
Prometheus | http.favicon.hash:-335242539 ‘Prometheus Time Series Collection and Processing Server’ | product:prometheus | http.headers.server:prometheus | http.useragent:’prometheus’ | http.favicon.hash:-335242539 AND http.server.header:’prometheus’ | app:’Prometheus’ header:’Prometheus’ product:’Prometheus’ | http.favicon.hash:-335242539 http.headers.server:prometheus | header=Prometheus” OR “body=Prometheus | http.favicon.hash:-335242539 AND http.server.header:’prometheus’ | http.favicon.hash:-335242539 AND http.response.body:Prometheus |
Redmine | http.component:”redmine” && http.title:”Redmine” | 443.https.get.metadata.product: “Redmine” | http.html: “Redmine” OR http.html: “Redmine - Error” | port: 80, 443 && http.get.body:”Redmine” OR http.get.body:”Redmine - Error” | http.html:”Redmine” OR http.html:”Redmine - Error” | title:”Redmine” | title:”Redmine” | title:”Redmine” | http.html:”Redmine” OR http.html:”Redmine - Error” | product:Redmine |
DokuWiki | http.component:dokuwiki | 443.https.get.metadata.server: DokuWiki | http.html: dokuwiki | http.server.metadata.product: dokuwiki | http.component:dokuwiki | app:”DokuWiki” | http.favicon.hash: 682090857 AND http.html: “dokuwiki” | title=”DokuWiki” || header=”DokuWiki” | product: DokuWiki | title:”dokuwiki” || body:”dokuwiki” || pageHash:”dokuwiki” |
Jenkins | “Server: Jetty” “X-Jenkins” | “Jenkins” AND “200 OK” | “jenkins” OR “jenkins-ci” | “tags.jenkins” OR “http.component:jenkins” | “title:Jenkins” OR “body:Jenkins” | app:Jenkins | | body.includes=Jenkins” OR “title.includes=Jenkins | “http.favicon.hash:118356961” OR “http.headers.server:Jetty(.*)(Jenkins|jenkins)” | “intext:Jenkins intitle:Dashboard” OR “inurl:jenkins intitle:login” |
Bamboo | “Bamboo” port:8085 | (443.https.tls.certificate.parsed.names: “bamboo” AND 443.https.tls.certificate.parsed.extensions.subject_alt_name.dns_names: “bamboo”) OR 8085.banner: “Atlassian Bamboo” |
| http.useragent:”Atlassian HttpClient” http.uri.path:”/bamboo/” | http.server.headers.product: “Atlassian-Bamboo” | app:”BambooHR” | http.title:”BambooHR” OR http.title:”Bamboo Login” | title=”BambooHR” OR “Atlassian Bamboo” | title:”BambooHR” OR title:”Atlassian Bamboo” | “” OR “” OR “” |
D-Link | Server: DWS-3024/DWS-4026 | 443.https.get.body_sha256: 6db3cb97f7c6b921e6d8f17db874de6c54df6a4d4d8b4caad7724063907c0522 | text:D-Link | dlink | title:’D-Link’ | webapp=’D-Link’ | product: dlink | title=”D-Link” || body=”D-Link” | http.favicon.hash:1572591353 | product:D-Link |
TPLink | Server: TP-LINK | 443.https.get.body: “TP-LINK” | http.html: / | http.user_agent: “TP-LINK” or http.html: “” | http.component: “TPLINK” | app:”TP-LINK ROUTER” | http.html: / or http.html: / | title=”TP-LINK” || header=”TP-LINK” | HTTP Headers.server: TP-LINK | title:”TP-LINK” |
HP iLO | HP-iLO-Server at / inurl:login.htm | hp ilo” OR “hp integrated lights-out | “HP-iLO-Server” OR “HP-iLO-4-Server” OR “HP-iLO-5-Server” | title:”Integrated Lights-Out” hp” OR “HP Integrated Lights-Out http-title:” | title:”Integrated Lights-Out” hp” OR “HP Integrated Lights-Out http-title:” | app:”HP Integrated Lights-Out”” OR “app:”iLO” | title:”Integrated Lights-Out” hp” OR “HP Integrated Lights-Out http-title:” | header=”HP-iLO-Server”” OR “header=”HP-iLO-4-Server”” OR “header=”HP-iLO-5-Server” | title:”Integrated Lights-Out” hp” OR “HP Integrated Lights-Out http-title:” | product:hp integrated lights-out” OR “title:”Integrated Lights-Out” hp |
Adobe Connect | product:Adobe Connect | 443.https.get.metadata.server: AdobeConnect | server.headers.server: AdobeConnect | http.html_body: | product:Adobe Connect | title: Adobe Connect | 443.metadata.server: AdobeConnect | title=Adobe Connect | Adobe Connect | |
Netgear | netgear | netgear | netgear | netgear | netgear | netgear | netgear | title=NETGEAR | product:NETGEAR | netgear |
Nexus | “nexus” http.favicon.hash:1319622454 | 443.https.get.headers.server: Nexus/* | server:Nexus | http.html.headers.server: Nexus/* | product:nexus | webapp=”Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager” | nexus | title=”Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager” || body=”Nexus Repository Manager” || body=”Nexus Repository” | Nexus | product:Nexus Repository |
SaltStack | product:”SaltStack” port:”4505,4506” | 443.https.get.body_sha256:7c1dd60d42f7a496d16f584e7a0c2d1a7f904c4b4f54c4bb2cbff1ad78c520cb | app:SaltStack | metadata.product:”SaltStack” | protocols:”smb” AND service.service_name:”smb” AND smb.banner:”SaltStack” | app:”SaltStack” | | app=”SaltStack” | https.html.body:”SaltStack” | app:”SaltStack” |
Graylog | “title:Graylog” OR “h1:Graylog” | “title:Graylog” OR “h1:Graylog” | “title:Graylog” OR “h1:Graylog” | “title:Graylog” OR “h1:Graylog” | Graylog | title:Graylog | title:Graylog | title:Graylog | title:Graylog | title:Graylog |
Bugzilla | “Bugzilla_login” port:”80, 443” | product:Bugzilla | http.favicon.hash:-431232002 | port:80 http.favicon.hash:-431232002 | title:”Bugzilla” | title:”Bugzilla” | app:bugzilla | title=Bugzilla | https:///bugzilla/ | intext:”Bugzilla_login” |
Siemens PLCs | “Siemens PLC” port:102, “Siemens PLC” port:502, “Siemens PLC” port:161, “Siemens PLC” port:2000, “Siemens PLC” port:102/tcp, “Siemens PLC” port:102/udp, “Siemens PLC” port:502/tcp, “Siemens PLC” port:161/tcp, “Siemens PLC” port:2000/tcp | (“Siemens” AND “plc”) AND protocols: “modbus”, “s7”, “bacnet” | “Siemens” “PLC” site:*.com | “Siemens PLC” OR “S7 PLC” | “Siemens PLC” OR “Siemens Simatic” OR “Siemens S7” | “Siemens” “PLC” | “Siemens” “PLC” | title=”Siemens” && title=”PLC” | Siemens PLC” | Siemens PLC” |
SolarWinds | “SolarWinds” port: 443, 80, 8443, 17778 | p443.http.get.title: “SolarWinds” | solarwinds | metadata.product: “solarwinds” | http.component:SolarWinds | app:”SolarWinds” | solarwinds | title=”SolarWinds” || header=”solarwinds” | solarwinds | solarwinds |
Joomla | “joomla” port:80,443,8080 | (80.http.get.title:”Joomla!” OR 443.https.get.title:”Joomla!” OR 8080.http.get.title:”Joomla!”) AND protocols:(“80/http” OR “443/https” OR “8080/http”) | http.title:”Joomla!” OR https.title:”Joomla!” | http.html_title:”Joomla!” OR https.html_title:”Joomla!” | “Joomla” protocol:https | “joomla” port:”80, 443, 8080” | title:”Joomla!” | title=”Joomla!” || header=”Joomla!” || body=”Joomla!” || banner=”Joomla!” | “Joomla” && http | app:”Joomla” AND (protocols:80 OR protocols:443 OR protocols:8080) |
WordPress | http.component:”wordpress” -http.title:”404” -http.title:”Not Found” | 443.https.tls.certificate.parsed.extensions.subject_alt_name.dns_names: wordpress | http.html.body:wordpress | http.html.body:/wp-content/ | http.component:”WordPress” | app:”WordPress” | http.component==”WordPress” | title=”WordPress” && protocol=”https” |
| http.favicon.hash: -1412814735 |
Drupal | http.favicon.hash:-335242539 drupal | 443.https.get.body_sha256:*,27a1f1d7df1e0c9f89d0b35c2466e2bbbd8c6ca0ed6b62100d1f98f1c9cfbde7 drupal | http.html_hash:563737271 drupal | metadata.product:drupal | protocols:80.http.get.headers.server:Drupal | app:”Drupal CMS” | HTTP.favicon.hash:-335242539 Drupal | title=”Powered by Drupal” || body=”This site is powered by Drupal” || header=”X-Generator: Drupal” | product:drupal | drupal |
Laravel | “laravel” http.component:/laravel/ | p.server software:”nginx/1.16.1” && p.http.server_header:”Laravel” | http.html:/”Laravel Framework”/ | http.metadata.product:Laravel | http.component:laravel | app:”Laravel Framework” | http.favicon.hash:-318056997 | app=”laravel” | http.title:”Laravel” | http.html:/”Laravel Framework”/ |
Zend Framework | “Server: ZendServer” OR “Set-Cookie: ZDEDebuggerPresent” | “Zend Framework” | p:http.component:zend | http.component:zend-framework | http.fingerprint.service: “Zend Server” OR http.html.xpath: “//*[contains(text(),’Zend Framework’)]” | “PHPSESSID” “Zend Framework” | http.fingerprint.component:Zend | title=”Zend Framework” | http.html.body: “Zend Framework” |
Symfony | “Server: Symfony” OR “X-Symfony-Version” | 443.https.get.title: “Welcome to Symfony””, “80.http.get.title: “Welcome to Symfony””, or “80.http.get.body: “Powered by Symfony” | http.html_body:Symfony | http.server_header:Symfony | http.favicon.hash:3964474325 | app:Symfony | Symfony | title=”Welcome to Symfony” || header=”X-Symfony-Version” | Symfony | Symfony |
Node.js Express | http.favicon.hash:-335242539 ‘set-cookie: connect.sid’ ‘X-Powered-By: Express’ | 443.https.get.body_sha256:5npHOpkBQmXv+7M1fYOtFkx7fW8IvSbzzNNQoWXq3G4 AND 443.https.tls.certificate.parsed.subject.common_name:* | http.headers.server:Express AND http.html.body:express | http.favicon.hash:-335242539 AND http.headers.server:Express | http.favicon.hash:-335242539 AND http.headers.server:Express | app: “node.js express” |
Roundcube | “roundcube” http.component:”roundcube” | (443.https.tls.certificate.parsed.names: “”) AND protocols: [“443/https”] (25.smtp.starttls.tls.certificate.parsed.names: “”) AND protocols: [“25/smtp”] | http.html_body: “Roundcube Webmail” | web.server: “roundcube” | roundcube | app:”roundcube” | roundcube | title=”Roundcube Webmail” | Roundcube | http.favicon.hash: “3261056547” |
Zimbra | “zimbra” port:7071, “zimbra” port:8443 | 80.http.get.title:”Zimbra Web Client” OR 80.http.get.title:”Zimbra Login” OR 443.https.get.title:”Zimbra Web Client” OR 443.https.get.title:”Zimbra Login” | html.title:”Zimbra” | zimbra | product:”Zimbra Collaboration Server” | zimbra | zimbra | title=”Zimbra Web Client” || title=”Zimbra Login” || body=”Zimbra Collaboration Server” || header=”zimbra” || header=”Zimbra” | zimbra | zimbra |
Manage Engine ServiceDesk | Server: ManageEngine_ServiceDesk | 443.https.tls.certificate.parsed.subject.organization:ManageEngine | domain:’servicedesk.*’ | http.favicon.hash:-1360563422 | title:’ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus’ | title:’ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus - Login’ | http.html: /ManageEngine/ServiceDeskPlus/ | title=”ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus” || body=”Powered by ServiceDesk Plus” || body=”ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus” || header=”Server: ManageEngine_ServiceDesk” | title:’ServiceDesk Plus - Log in’ | http.title:’ServiceDesk Plus - Log in’ OR body:’ServiceDesk Plus - Log in’ OR http.title:’ServiceDesk Plus - Self Service’ OR body:’ServiceDesk Plus - Self Service’ |
Delta Electronics InfraSuite | “http.component:InfiniManage” “InfraSuite Device” “Delta Electronics” censys: 443.https.get.headers.server: InfiniManage AND 443.https.tls.certificate.parsed.subject.organization:Delta Electronics Inc | html.body:InfiniManage AND html.title:InfraSuite Device AND html.body:Delta Electronics | html.body:InfiniManage AND html.title:InfraSuite Device AND html.body:Delta Electronics | tag:”infinimanage” AND tag:”device” AND tag:”infrasuite” AND tag:”delta electronics” | html.title:”InfiniManage” AND html.body:”InfraSuite Device” AND html.body:”Delta Electronics” | app:”InfiniManage” AND title:”InfraSuite Device” AND body:”Delta Electronics” | title:”InfraSuite Device” AND body:”Delta Electronics” AND app:”InfiniManage” | title=”InfiniManage” && body=”InfraSuite Device” && body=”Delta Electronics” | title:InfiniManage AND body:InfraSuite Device AND body:”Delta Electronics” | “InfiniManage” AND “InfraSuite Device” AND “Delta Electronics” |
PandoraFMS | http.favicon.hash:-335242539 port:80 pandorafms | 443.https.tls.certificate.parsed.subject.common_name: pandorafms | pandorafms | port:80 http.component:pandoraFMS | http.favicon.hash:-335242539 pandorafms | title:”Pandora FMS - Login” | pandorafms | title=”Pandora FMS” || body=”Powered by Pandora FMS” | | app:pandorafms |
Lexmark printers | “lexmark” “HTTP/1.1 200 OK” “Server: Lexmark” | “lexmark” and 443.https.get.headers.server: Lexmark |
| metadata.product:lexmark | http.title:”Lexmark” | app:”Lexmark-HttpServer” | service:lexmark | title=”Lexmark” | lexmark | lexmark |
Browser Cache
File transfer
Transfer by ftp without direct access to shell
Transfer Dns in Linux
Execute the exfil command and transfer its information with icmp
Open mail relay
Reverse loose
Netcat command (* run on the attacker’s system)
Netcat command (-e may not be supported in some versions)
Netcat command for when -e is not supported
Perl language
Perl language without /bin/sh
Perl language for windows
Python language
Bash language
Java language
Php language
Ruby language
Ruby language without /bin/sh
Ruby language for windows
Telnet command
Xterm command
spawn shell
Improve accessibility
Increasing accessibility with composer
Increasing access with docker
You must be logged in with an application that is a member of the docker group.
Increasing access with docker socket
Increase access with lxd
Increase access with WSUS
Increase access in journalctl
The journalctl launcher must be run with more privileges such as sudo.
Improve access with Splunk Universal Forward Hijacking
Increase access with 00-header file
Increase accessibility in nano
Increase access in vi
Increase access by ShadowCredentials method
Increase access using acl
Increase access with ldap
Copy from ndts using SeBackupPrivilege permission
Elevate access with the SeImpersonatePrivilege permission
Read files without authentication with diskshadow
Elevate access with the SeLoadDriverPrivilege permission
Escalation with find
Upgrade access with vds.exe service
Improve access with ForceChangePassword
Improving access with the browser service
Improve access with GenericWrite access
Improve access using Sql service and ActiveSessions
Get golden ticket using mimikatz and scheduled task
Upgrade access using the Pass-the-Ticket method
Upgrade access with vulnerable GPO
Golden Ticket production with mimikatz
Upgrade access with TRUSTWORTHY database in SQL Server
Permanent access
for Linux (in the attacker’s system)
for Windows (start task scheduler)
Running a backdoor along with bypassing the Windows firewall
Payload development in smb or webdav
Get lsass process and extract information with mimikatz
Extract information in memory using mimikatz plugin in volatility
SSH Tunnel
Fpipe - receiving information from port 1234 and transferring to port 80
Socks.exe - Intranet scanning in Socks proxy
Socat - receiving information from port 1234 and transferring to port 80
Create ssh without ssh service
Stunnel - ssl encapsulated in nc tunnel (Windows & Linux) [8]
Search tips on google
Parameter | Explanation |
site: [url] | Search for a site [url] |
numrange: [#]…[#] | Search in the numerical range |
date: [ #] | Search in the last month |
link: [url] | Search for pages that have a specific address |
related: [url] | Search for pages related to a specific address |
intitle: [string] | Search for pages that have a specific title |
inurl: [string] | Search for pages that have a specific address in their url |
filejpe: [xls] | Search all files with xls extension |
phonebook: [name] | Search all phone books that have a specific name |
Video teleconferencing tips
Polycom brand
Trandberg brand
Sony webcam brand
Convert binary to ski with perl
Review and implementation laboratory
send mail
Sending the current file by nc
read auth clear-text credentials in nix
jenkins reverse shell
check linux joined ad
linux ad credential stored
Request TGT using the discovered keytab file
Requesting CIFS ticket of Child Domain Controller
PTH with Linux
Extract the hash of adm_domain user only (with active Kerberos ticket)
Extract the hash OPERATIONS.ATOMIC.SITE (with active Kerberos ticket)
Extract specify for domain SID
Forge a golden ticket using OPERATIONS.ATOMIC.SITE “krbtgt” account
Schedule a task at Atomic-DC server from OPS-CHILDDC after passing golden ticket
Download & execute Invoke-Mimikatz.ps1 in memory
Psexec in ATOMIC-DC server as enterprise administrator:
Enumerate named account with SPN in domain
Using “sendemail” for transmitting email:
Shell of DB-Server
open cmd.exe with wordpress or …
xfreerdp x.rdp /timeout:99999 Word->File->Open cmd.exe
Abuse SMPTRAP service
amsi one line bypass
Byte array: This method involves converting malicious code into a byte array, which bypasses AMSI inspection.
Reflection: This method involves using .NET reflection to invoke a method that is not inspected by AMSI.
String obfuscation: This method involves obfuscating the malicious code to evade AMSI detection.
AMSI patching: This method involves patching AMSI to bypass the inspection entirely.
Using alternative PowerShell hosts: This method involves using alternative PowerShell hosts that don’t load AMSI modules.
## SSH Harvester
Last updated